This is a thought exercise to get around roadblocks in your thinking to discover novel solutions.
Start with doing the following (these are also good steps to starting any plan):
Identify a specific objective (needs to be quantifiable)
Determine a deadline for the objective
Set a budget to achieve the objective
Formulate a team who would work on the objective
List any other resources you have to accomplish the objective
Multiply your objective by 10
If your goal is to increase sales by 5%, change it to 50%, what would you need to do all things being the same?
Change your deadline to 3 days from now
What would it take to get that done? What resources would you need? What urgent actions would you need to take? How would you need to change how you operate?
Cut down to only 1% of your current budget
What is the most important tactic you need to fund? What existing partnerships do you have that you could leverage? Can you create something that is remarkably sharable?
Increase your budget by 100 times
If you feel your marketing budget isn’t adequate, what would you do if you had a huge war chest? Write down your dream list. Now, figure out how out ways to do similar things with less.
Choose only 1 person (besides yourself) who can work on achieving this objective
Who is the key individual you need to get this done? This helps to identify your most important resource.
Now, try working on addressing your problem again with your actual parameters. With your new perspective, use what you learned to identify different ways to attack the problem.