Mapping your Customer Journey is one way to identify how your advertising is contributing to the sale and provides a methodology for allocating resources to each stage.
What elements make up a good ad? How can you tell if an ad will be effective or not? What will really get people to buy your product or service?
People don’t go in the direction you want them to go merely because you tell them to. They go where they want to go, based on their whims at any given moment.
Millions and millions are spent trying to develop the perfect ad that will reach exactly the right audience at the right time with the right message that will get them to buy a product.
When your business isn’t doing well, many people often think the answer is ADVERTISING! And most agencies would like to perpetuate that belief.
The greatest achievement in advertising or marketing is getting people to think they came up with your idea on their own. Try this exercise to help them connect the final dots on their own, thereby allowing them to own it and make an even more convincing case.
So often we are overcome with the need to compromise. We try to reach the largest audience possible. We avoid including messaging that may be remotely controversial to just a small group of people. We dumb things down to avoid any misunderstanding.