CONCEPT: Marketing Algebra


These equations can provide you a better understanding of your branding and marketing.

[customer] + [your product] = [desired outcome]

What is the outcome people are looking for when they buy your product? Is it compelling? Is it a significant part of their life? If not, what can you do to make the desired outcome more engaging?

[customer] – [your product] = [worse state]

What are people missing out on by not having your product? Remember loss aversion is a powerful persuasion tactic. Communicate what people are missing out on without your product.

[your product] + [another one of your products] = [better outcome]

How does combining your different products provide a better outcome for the customer? Try to identify combinations that provide genuinely enhanced benefits and communicate that.

[your product] x [repeat usage] = [better outcome]

How does your product get better the more times you use it? Is there a benefit to buying it again and again?

[your product] + [other company’s product] = [better outcome]

Who could you partner with to create a significantly better benefit for a customer than either of your products could accomplish on their own? Create promotions that are mutually beneficial for both companies.