What’s your brand’s point-of-view


Who you are, as a person, is based largely on your beliefs. They help to guide your actions, the way you carry yourself, all the decisions that you make in life.

More so than the way you look or the things you have, your beliefs define you.

The same is true of your brand.

If you want your brand to be truly distinctive you need to figure out what your company believes in that your competitors do not. By identifying these key beliefs of your company, you will help to establish a strong foundation for your brand that creates both differentiation, as well as a strategic direction for all your activities.

Here are some thought starter questions to help you do that:

What are some reasons you’re in this business and how do you think that provides a better product for customers?

List some actions you do consistently. Why do you choose to do them?

Are there certain standards that you uphold? Why?

Do you have a vision of how you think things should be in your industry?

When you’re done, use your answers to come up with belief/value statements for your company. Here are some examples.

We believe in creating fun and a little weirdness in the workplace. (Zappos)

We believe that if we focus on the user, all else will follow. (Google)

We believe that marketing should be easier and cost a lot less, so we’re here to help. (Aidia)

You can use the attached worksheet to help you with the process.
Download Brand POV Worksheet