Exercise – SWOT Squared

Anyone reading this is likely highly familiar a SWOT Analysis.  A company evaluates internal factors (Strengths and Weaknesses) and external factors (Opportunities and Threats) that affect their business to aid in strategic planning.  Any good marketer has either conducted the analysis themselves or at least reviewed one.  So I won’t rehash the details of the process.

But here’s an exercise on how to use that information to develop actionable tactics.

1. Conduct the SWOT Analysis.
2. Gather a team together for this exercise.
3. Write down each strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat on pieces of paper.  One item per piece of paper.  Place each category into separate boxes.
4. Draw 4 boxes as shown, representing:

  • Strength/Opportunity

  • Weakness/Opportunity

  • Strength/Threat

  • Weakness/Threat

5. Divide the team into 4 groups, each representing one of the above combinations.
6.Have them pick from the boxes for their respective combinations (e.g. have each person from Team 1, pick one from the Strength box and one from the Opportunity box.
7. After everyone has picked, have them brainstorm tactics to promote the company that uses the 2 factors they picked.  10 minutes is a good amount of time.
8. Have each person pick their top 3 ideas and present them to the group.
9. After everyone has presented, discuss which tactics are feasible and would provide the most impact.