Developing customer persona profiles


One of the keys to developing effective marketing is to create communications that speak specifically to your customers. The more relevant it is to their unique viewpoints, needs, challenges, goals and life experience, the more likely they'll believe your message.

But making truly impactful marketing messaging is really hard when your target is ambiguous like "people age 25-54" or" 65% of users purchase our product an average of 6.4 times per year" What does that matter? How does that help you create inspiring messaging? It doesn't tell you anything about why they personally need your product. It doesn't allow you to identify the best places and format to reach them. It doesn't help uncover unique insights about where they're coming from and why they should select your product over another.

People are innately wired to relate to other people. We are social creatures. We don't relate well to cold statistical numbers and broad generalities. That's why TV spots showing starving children are more effective than an ad just asking you to make a donation to help end poverty. Poverty is a concept. A malnourished kid is real.

If you want to make better marketing, you need to develop marketing that speaks to individuals. That's where Persona Profiles come in.

A Persona Profile is basically a fictional character based on your real customers. They can't encompass every single one of your customers, but the idea is that they represent them as a whole. By creating a whole back story for them, you can better envision the best way to speak to them and what they'll react more favorably to.

Use this Persona Profile Worksheet to create profiles of your customers.

After you're done, put them up on your wall or take it out every time you're working on a new marketing initiative and ask yourself how you can you best reach them?


The typical characteristics of your target market. Basically who they are.

Age: What is the average age of your customers?
Income: What is the range of household income?
Family: Are they married or single? Do they have kids?
Occupation: What is a common job your customers have?
Ethnicity: Is there a specific ethnicity that are more likely to buy your product/service?


The area that they will buy your product.

Do they buy your product near/at work or home?
Where do they live / work?


Focusing on their psychology, lifestyles and behaviors. It’s about what they think, feel, do.

Personality: How would you describe their personality traits?
Attitudes: What do they generally think about your industry?
Values:  What do they care about when selecting a product/service like yours?
Interests/Hobbies: What do they like to do for leisure?
Media: What do they like to watch/read/listen? Where do they watch/read/listen to it?


The actual actions they take in relation to your product and the reasons behind them.

Benefits: Are there unique benefits they're looking for?
Purchasing: Is there anything unique about how they buy your product/service? How often do they buy your product/service?
Usage: Is there anything unique about how they use your product/service? How often do they use your product/service?
Loyalty: Are they loyal to brands? Are they loyal to your brand?

You can use the worksheet at the link below to help develop Persona Profiles for your customers
Download Persona Profile Worksheet