Brand Leaders or Managers

Managers focus on stability, the status quo. Ensuring that everything continues to go smoothly based on carefully laid out plans. Leaders strive to change things for the better.

Managers are centered on the here and now. Leaders are constantly looking towards to future.

Managers have employees who are under them. Leaders have dedicated people who would follow them through any adversity.

Managers are more concerned with control and predictability. Leaders are not afraid of things being messy, if it raises the standard.

Managers talk a lot about how great they are. Leaders prove it.

The same is true for brands.

Brands that lead attract customers not through clever promotional tricks or cheap gimmicks, but by inspiring them to want something more, something deeper. People buy them not only because their product is good, but because they stand for something bigger than themselves. That’s what leaders do.

Brands that simply manage people’s expectations are reliable. Dependable. But there’s no loyalty, no devotion. Another product goes on sale that week and they’re gone.

Brand leaders create a committed following. Managers grab what they can.

What will your brand be?